Archive for the ‘ Random & Misc ’ Category

Dr. Import

I use to take my BMW to the dealership every time I need something to be done. Unfortunately, it always felt like they were trying to squeeze early penny out me so I usually dreaded the thought of even going. I knew when I bought my car that maintenance and repairs wouldn’t be cheap, but whenever I took my car into the dealership for something simple, I would end up leaving with a ton of extra stuff to pay for.

However, that was not the case at Dr. Import. Jack was able to explain everything they needed to do when I brought in the car and called me when they found something extra. He broke down all the critical items that needed to be address immediately from the items that could wait. His estimates for every item were right on the dot, so there weren’t any surprise when I was time to flip the bill. Jack at Dr. Import really made my experience pain free.

Los Angeles County Museum of Arts

The Los Angeles County Museum of Arts was a new one for us. I always look forward to going to museums but hate taking pictures of artworks and other exhibit. By capturing someone else’s masterpiece, I only sharing their creative ideas to the world and contributed nothing in return. “The picture is only interesting, because the subject is interesting.” So avoid those shots as much as I can, but there were a few just to document that I was there. However, most of my shots are from outside the museum.

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Streets of L.A.

My significant other has been waking up and dragging herself to school in Los Angeles. every Saturday morning. I’m not sure how she does it, but I figured I should tag along with her this week. I knew that I won’t actually be able to go to class with her, but at least I would be able to walk around the streets of LA and check out the surrounding area.

After I got there and saw her off to class, I realize that I didn’t have a clue of what I was supposed to be shooting.  My friend, Marlon, had recommended that I check out the Bradbury Building and that I might appreciate the architecture. But besides that, I had eight hours to burn through before my SO got out of class.

Made a mental note to myself to plan better in the future, but for the time being, I just started walking. I have to admit that the first hundred or two hundred pictures were random pictures of building and skyscrapers. Although they are not that interesting, snapping away randomly did help me get into the groove of shooting. It wasn’t until I got to Pershing Square and met a street poet did I find something worth capturing.

I eventually made my way to the LA County Public Library, Bonaventure Hotel, and Bradbury Building. Unfortunately, only the lobby floor was opened to the public. After a short break, I made my way over to the Walt Disney Concert Hall before my SO called me back. It was about time to, my feet were killing me, which would be my second tip, wear comfortable shoes. Walking around the streets of LA was fun. It’s almost certain that I would do it again, because after eight hours, it only felt like I was just beginning to scratch the surface of what downtown LA has to offer.

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Foster the People @ Detroit Bar

I was listening to the radio at work about a week ago when Kat Corbett, a KROQ DJ, decided to spin a brand new track. It was Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People and I was hooked, mesmerized, and sold. The tunes were just hypnotic and the vocals were absolutely refreshing.

As soon as it was over, I knew I wanted more. I quickly Google their website and noticed that they happened to be playing at Detroit Bar, a near by bar, in a few short days. I immediately told my other half that she had to listen to their song and soon enough she was hooked as well. It was decided, we were going to see them play live.

We were so eager that we ended up Detroit Bar early. We caught the opening band,  Hands, still doing their sound check. They were actually pretty upbeat and kicked off the night to a good start. The following band was Pacific Hurt, which start off well, but their closing songs were a bit slower. Some could say that it was soothing, but in was almost putting us to sleep at the bar.

It was almost 11:30pm when Foster the People started to do their sound check. By then, we were starting to feel wary, but we keep holding on just to hear them play live. However, as soon as the lead singer open his mouth, our resolved was renewed and our wait was over. Within seconds, it agreed that it was well worth the wait to here them play live. They were simply energizing. I frantically tried to capture everything with my capture. I even recorded two or three songs with my Canon 5D MkII.

Even after seeing them play live, we still wanted more. We decided to come back to hear them again before we even reach the car. They were just that good!

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Kogi the Cat

This is shot of our bengal cat, Kogi. Just wanted to test some low light, high ISO shooting with my new Canon 5D MkII. The picture was taken with my 50mm @ f/2, ISO2000. Normally I would never go past ISO1600 on my 50D, but the 5D MkII obviously doesn’t have the same issue with noise.

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